The following code expands on the program from "The linear phase [Math Processing Error] FIR algorithm". If at a given iteration the error increases, the idea is to take a step back in[Math Processing Error] and then take a smaller step. This is achieved by reducing the homotopy step parameter
in the program.% Lp Linear Phase design program. Uses p-homotopy and partial updating.
% This code uses the adaptive algorithm.
% Author: R. A. Vargas, 4-20-08
%%% User parameters
P = 200; % Desired p
K = 1.7; % Homotopy rate
fp = 0.2; fs = 0.248; % Normalized passband & stopband
L = 21; % Filter length
dk = 0.9; % K update factor
%%% Initialization
NF = 2^ceil(log2(10*L)); % Number of frequency samples
Np = round(NF*fp/(.5 - (fs - fp))); % No. of passband samples
dp = fp/(Np - 1);
Ns = NF - Np; % No. of stopband samples
ds = (0.5 - fs)/(Ns - 1);
fd = [(0:Np - 2)*dp,fp,(0:Ns - 2)*ds + fs,0.5]'; % Frequencies
Ad = [ones(Np,1); zeros(Ns,1)]; % Desired response
M = floor((L+1)/2)-1;
C = cos(2*pi*fd*(0:M)); % Fourier matrix
a = C\Ad; a0 = a; % L2 initial guess
e = C*a - Ad; en = e; % Initial error
%%% Algorithm iteration
c = 1; maxiter = 40; p = 2;
while (c<maxiter),
p = min(P,K*p); % p-homotopy update
w = abs(e).^((p-2)/2); % Lp weight update
W = diag(w/sum(w)); % Normalized weights
x = (W*C)\(W*Ad); % WLS solution
a = (x + (p-2)*a) ./(p-1); % Partial update
en = C*a - Ad; % Error
if (norm(en,P) <= norm(e,P)) | p>=P
c = c+1;
e = en;
a0 = a;
a = a0;
p = p/K;
K = dk*K; % Update homotopy step
%%% Recovery of h from a
a(1) = 2*a(1);
h = [flipud(a(2:length(a)));a]./2;
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