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Basic Matlab Commands and Syntax

What is Pro-Matlab? Pro-Matlab (Matlab) is an interactive software package from the Math Works Inc. Matlab stands for Matrix laboratory. It will define and perform operations on both numbers and characters. There are a number of higher math functions, such as filtering and numeric integration, built into the package. Matlab also has a graphics interface, and the capablility for programming through M-files. Entering and Leaving Matlab There are two ways to start Matlab on the Rice Unix Facility. (These methods will also work for Information Systems and Owlnet.) One is to type % matlab in an xterm. Another is to use the right button menu option for Matlab. The test accounts used for this course have this option. If you have a personal Unix account on RUF, IS, or Owlnet and you do not have Matlab as a menu option, youcan add the following line to your .twmrc file. “Matlab” ! “xterm -n Matlab -e sh -c /usr/local/go matlab &” To exit Matlab. you simply type: quit in the Matlab window.Try one of these methods to start Matlab. Exit, and try the other. Please do not run more than one copy of Matlab at any given time on this system, as we only have a limited number of licenses, and if you run two another user may not be able to run any. Variables and the Workspace Defining Numbers and Characters To define a scalar we may simply use the equal sign. a=3 To define a vector we use the equal sign and square brackets. v=[3 5 7] Matrix definition follows the same form as vector definition. The matrix rows are separated by semicolons, or by returns. ml=[1 2 3; 4 5 6] or m2=[1 2 34 5 6] To define character variables we use the equal sign and single quotes. c=’abc’ Examining Numbers and Characters who This command lists the names of all currently defined variables.size Size (name) returns the size of the variable (name).clear Erases the values of all defined variables. Workspace Commands save Saves all of the defined variables into a workspace called (name)Saves variables to a workspace called name.mat.load Loads the workspace matlab.mat.load (name)Loads the workspace name.mat.diary Saves everything you see in the Matlab window into a text Lists all of the available operators and (cmd)Lists the help file for (cmd). Mathematical Functions Basic Math +Is the addition operator.-Is the subtraction operator.*Performs multiplication./Performs right division. (b/a = b*Inv(a))\Performs left division. (b\a= Inv(a)*b)^Performs exponentiation.For scalar-scalar or scalar-matrixoperations these perform as we expect them to. For matrix-matrix operations Mat-lab assumes it is attempting to perform matrix math operations. To perform element to element operations you must place a . before the operator.Note: if the left hand argument is an integer, there should be a space between the integer and the . operator, or else two..’S.
Download Basic Matlab Commands and Syntax.


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