Code for speaker recognition system:
clear all;
close all;
%The First screen when program runs
FlagModi = 0; % test flag
% Gets the screen size in a matrix that has
% 1. X axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 2. Y axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 3. The pixel width of the screens X axis
% 4. The pixel height of the screens Y axis
% In mat lab the size of GUI objects is determined by the four factors
% describes above
pos = get(0,'ScreenSize');
% colors
% The background color variable (contains values in RGB)
Bg_Color = [0.7 0.7 0.8];
% The frame color variable (Contains values in RGB)
Frame_Color2 = [0.9 0.8 0.8];
Frame_Color = [0.8 0.8 0.9];
% The button colot variable (contains values in RGB)
Button_Color1 = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
% main buttons size
% The pixel width of the buttons
button_width = 160;
% The pixel height of the buttons
button_height = 40;
% main window size
% The pixel width of the main window
main_width = 1004;
% The pixel height of the main window
main_height = 688;
% The pixel position of the lower left corner
button_leftX = ((main_width-10)-button_width)/2;
% title position
% The Width of the main title in pixels
title_width = 560;
% The pixel position of the lower left corner
title_leftX = (main_width-title_width)/2;
% The Y pixel of the left bottom corner
title_leftY = 200;
title_height = 100;
% main window
% The main figure window comes using the figure command, the different
% values of the different properties can be adjusted by writing the
% property name in the figure and next the value. If nothing is mentioned
% the default values are taken. See help figure for further assistance
% The hfig is the handle to the figure, it can be said as the reference
% number that points to the figure
% handle = figure (the function name that creates figure) ('Property', 'its value' )
hfig = figure('Name','Speaker Recognition System',...% The name of the figurefigure title
'NumberTitle','on',...% The title appearing on the upper left corner of a window
'Resize','on',...% The resizing option
'Visible','on',...% The visibility of the figure
'Position',[pos(3)/2-main_width/2 pos(4)/2-main_height/2-5 main_width main_height+20],...% The position of the figure
'MenuBar','none', ...% Menu bar
'Color', Bg_Color);% The back ground color
% The text displaying the main title,
% uicontrol is the GUI making function of the matlab, depending on the
% style of the uicontrol it can be a edit box, a text box, a button, a drop
% down etc etc. The Title is the reference number to the figure. The
% properties of the uicontrol can be adjusted or changed just as that of
% the figure.
Title = uicontrol(hfig,...
'position',[title_leftX title_leftY+350 title_width title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Speaker Recognition System' ...
, '']);
% The control option is given using the radio buttons
% The option is between the MFCC based code and Modified MFCC based
% approach
ValueButton = 1;% The value of the selection, 1 means MFCC, 0 means modified MFCC
HRadio1 = uicontrol(hfig,...
'position',[title_leftX title_leftY+250 title_width title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string', 'MFCC system', ...
'selected', 'off', ...
'callback', 'ToggleRadioButton1', ...
'value', 1);
HRadio2 = uicontrol(hfig,...
'position',[title_leftX title_leftY+170 title_width title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string', 'Modified MFCC system', ...
'selected', 'off', ...
'callback', 'ToggleRadioButton2');
% The Push button for continue
HButton1=uicontrol(hfig, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_leftX-100 title_leftY-150 button_width button_height], ...
'string', 'CONTINUE',...
'callback','main');% We mention the name of the m file in the callback as a string so that the file starts as the button is pressed
% The Push button for exit or closing the window
Hbutton2=uicontrol(hfig, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_leftX+100 title_leftY-150 button_width button_height], ...
'string', 'Exit',...
'callback','close');% close means close the current figure.
% The result file
% The variable MFCC stores the result for MFCC algo the current session, it is
% initialized by an empty array at the start
MFCC_Result = [];
% The variable modified MFCC stores the result for modified MFCC algo the current session, it is
% initialized by an empty array at the start
modiMFCC_Result = [];
% The save command saves the variables to the test.mat file
save result MFCC_Result modiMFCC_Result;
*************************** TOGGLE RADIOBUTTON1**************************
if(get(HRadio2, 'value') == 1 & get(HRadio1, 'value') == 1)
set(HRadio2, 'value', 0);
% Get the value of the radio button for the selection of the corresponding
% code, MFCC or modified MFCC
ValueButton = get(HRadio1, 'value');
***************************TOGGLE RADIOBUTTON2**************************
if(get(HRadio2, 'value') == 1 & get(HRadio1, 'value') == 1)
set(HRadio2, 'value', 0);
% Get the value of the radio button for the selection of the corresponding
% code, MFCC or modified MFCC
ValueButton = get(HRadio1, 'value');
********************************THE MAIN FUNCTION*************************
% Close the prev figure
% The dinmensions of the main window
main_width = 804;
% The pixel height of the main window
main_height = 688;
% The Width and height of the main title in pixels
title_width = 560;
title_height = 100;
% title position
title_width1 = 200;
% The X pixel position of the lower left corner
title_left = (main_width-title_width)/2;
% The Y pixel of the left bottom corner
title_bottom = 150;
% The height of the title
title_height1 = 40;
% create the directories in case they donot exist, if they already exists
% then nothing will happen
WarningFlag = mkdir('test');
WarningFlag = mkdir('moditest');
% The Title string based in the selected radio button
if(ValueButton == 1)
TitleString = 'MFCC Based System';
DirName = 'test';
TitleString = 'Modified MFCC Based System';
DirName = 'modiTest';
% Gets the screen size in a matrix that has
% 1. X axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 2. Y axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 3. The pixel width of the screens X axis
% 4. The pixel height of the screens Y axis
% In matlab the size of GUI objects is determined by the four factors
% describes above
pos = get(0,'ScreenSize');
% colors
Bg_Color = [0.7 0.7 0.8];
Bg_Color1 = [0.7 0.7 0.8];
Frame_Color2 = [0.9 0.8 0.8];
Frame_Color = [0.8 0.8 0.9];
Button_Color = [0.5 0.8 0.9];
Bg_Color5 = [0.5 0.8 0.8];
Bg_Color4 = [1 0.40 0.5];
% main buttons size
button_width = 160;
button_height = 40;
buttonWidth = 120;
buttonHeight = 20;
button_left = 100;
% main window
% The main figure window comes using the figure command, the different
% values of the different properties can be adjusted by writing the
% property name in the figure and next the value. If nothing is mentioned
% the default values are taken. See help figure for further assistance
% The hfig is the handle to the figure, it can be said as the reference
% number that points to the figure
% handle = figure (the function name that creates figure) ('Property', 'its value' )
hfig2 = figure('Name','Speaker Recognition System',...% The name of the figurefigure title
'NumberTitle','off',...% The title appearing on the upper left corner of a window
'Resize','on',...% The resizing option
'Visible','on',...% The visibility of the figure
'Position',[pos(3)/2-main_width/2 pos(4)/2-main_height/2-5 main_width main_height+20],...% The position of the figure
'MenuBar','none', ...% Menu bar
'Color', Bg_Color);% The back ground color
% The text displaying the main title,
% uicontrol is the GUI making function of the matlab, depending on the
% style of the uicontrol it can be a edit box, a text box, a button, a drop
% down etc etc. The Title is the reference number to the figure. The
% properties of the uicontrol can be adjusted or changed just as that of
% the figure.
Title = uicontrol(hfig2,...
'position',[title_left-15 title_bottom+250 title_width title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string', TitleString);
% Retreiving the file names of the current database files from the system
% The dir command is the DOS based command that reads files from the
% current directory
DirectoryFileList = dir(DirName);
FileNames = char(;
[rowFN, colFN] = size(FileNames);
if(rowFN <= 2)
FileNamesListBox = [];
FileNamesListBox = [FileNames(3:end, :)];
TextList = uicontrol(hfig2,...
'position',[title_left+100 title_bottom+290 buttonWidth buttonHeight],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string', 'The DataBase Files');
% The listbox for the names of the file in the current database
HList = uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style', 'listbox', ...
'position', [title_left+100 title_bottom+200 title_width1+100 title_height1+50], ...
'string', FileNamesListBox);
% The button to add to the database
HButtonAdd = uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style', 'push', ...
'position', [title_left+100 title_bottom+150 buttonWidth buttonHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor', Button_Color, ...
'string', 'Add ...', ...
'callback', 'Add2System' ...
% The button to remove from the database
HButtonRem = uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style', 'push', ...
'position', [title_left+100+buttonWidth title_bottom+150 buttonWidth buttonHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor', Button_Color, ...
'string', 'Remove ...', ...
'callback', 'RemoveFromSystem' ...
% The button to initiate the recognition system
HButtonRecog = uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style', 'push', ...
'position', [title_left+100+2*buttonWidth title_bottom+150 buttonWidth buttonHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor', Button_Color, ...
'string', 'Recognize', ...
'callback', 'RecognizeSys1' ...
% The Summary button
HButtonSum=uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[title_left+100 title_bottom+130 buttonWidth*3 buttonHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Summary of this session',...
% The EXIT button
HButtonExit=uicontrol(hfig2, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[title_left+100 title_bottom+110 buttonWidth*3 buttonHeight], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Exit',...
% The Title for HELP
HELPTitle = uicontrol(hfig2,...
'position',[title_left+100 title_bottom-10 title_width1+150 title_height1+80],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Press "Add.." to add a speaker. Press "Delete" to remove a speaker from the database. '...
'Press "recognize" to test a speaker, In that case speech would be recorded as soon as the button '...
'is pressed']);
*********************************ADD2 SYSTEM:*****************************
% title position
% The width and height of the title with the (x, y) of the lower left
% corner of the title name are initialized
title_width1 = 200;
title_left = (main_width-title_width)/2 - 100;
title_bottom = 200;
title_height1 = 40;
% Gets the screen size in a matrix that has
% 1. X axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 2. Y axis pixel value of the lower left corner
% 3. The pixel width of the screens X axis
% 4. The pixel height of the screens Y axis
% In matlab the size of GUI objects is determined by the four factors
% describes above
pos = get(0,'ScreenSize');
% colors
Bg_Color = [0.7 0.7 0.8];
Frame_Color2 = [0.9 0.8 0.8];
Frame_Color = [0.8 0.8 0.9];
Button_Color = [0.5 0.8 0.9];
Bg_Color5 = [0.5 0.8 0.8];
% main buttons size
button_width = 120;
button_height = 20;
main_width = 804;
main_height = 488;
% The X value of the lower left corner of uicontrols
button_left = (((main_width-10)-button_width)/2)-100;
% The figure for the Addtion to database menu
hfig3 = figure('Name','Speaker Recognition System ',...
'Position',[pos(3)/2-main_width/2 pos(4)/2-main_height/2-5 main_width main_height+20],...
% The title of the current figure
Title = uicontrol(hfig3,...
'position',[title_left+140 title_bottom+200 title_width1+300 title_height1],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Add to database',' ']);
% The Text holding the file name
HTextFile=uicontrol(hfig3, ...
'style','text', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+90 button_width button_height], ...
'string', 'File Name',...
% The edit box in which file name is to be entered
HEditFile=uicontrol(hfig3, ...
'style','edit', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+130 button_width button_height], ...
'string', 'Default',...
% The Button to add to the database file
Hbutton1=uicontrol(hfig3, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+60 button_width button_height], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Record File...',...
% The button to exit
Hbutton2=uicontrol(hfig3, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+30 button_width button_height], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Exit',...
% The Text box explaining the prodecure
HelpText = uicontrol(hfig3,...
'position',[title_left+340 title_bottom title_width1+100 title_height1+120],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Modify the Edit box value if required and ' ...
'Press "Record File..." to record a speaker"s voice. Voice'...
'will be recorded just after pressing '...
'and vectors would automatically saved in the database file. ']);
****************************ADD2 DATABASE*********************************
% The script saves the Vectors of the Speech from the algorithm to a file
n=5; %0;
No_pts=12948; % No of points to be recorded
Fs=22050; %sampling rate
% get the filename from the edit box
FileName = get(HEditFile, 'string');
% Searches for the . from the filename string and takes only the part
% before it and saves it again to the variable FileName
IndexDot = (FileName == '.')*(1:length(FileName))';
if(IndexDot == 0)
FileName = FileName;
FileName = FileName(1:IndexDot-1);
% Checks if the No name is given or not
FileName = 'Default';
set(HEditFile, 'string', FileName)
% Checks that the file starts with a character value
if(double(FileName(1)) >= 65 & double(FileName(1)) <= 122 )
if ispc
% The wavrecord is a windows based function for saving the data from
% the mic to a variable in MATLAB
RawVoice = wavrecord(No_pts*2, Fs);
%RawVoice=wavread('lighton8.wav'); % Converting the speech data to corresponding vector quantized form
codebook = MFCC_BasedCodebook(RawVoice, Fs);
eval(['save ' 'test\' FileName ' codebook;']);
DirName = 'test';
% code for modified MFCC
if(FlagModi == 1)
modicodebook = calcFilterCoeffs(RawVoice);
modicodebook = modiMFCC_BasedCodebook(RawVoice, Fs);
eval(['save ' 'moditest\' FileName ' modicodebook;']);
% no routine found for recording sound file in linux
% Linux routine for wavrecord
% Converting the speech data to corresponding vector quantized form
if(ValueButton == 1)
% Code for MFCC
codebook = MFCC_BasedCodebook(RawVoice, Fs);
eval([FileName ' = codebook']);
eval(['save ' 'test\' FileName ' ' FileName]);
% Code for Modified MFCC
codebookModi = calcFilterCoeffs(RawVoice);
eval([FileName ' = codebookModi']);
eval(['save ' 'moditest\' FileName ' ' FileName]);
% Retreiving the file names of the current database files from the system
% The dir command is the DOS based command that reads files from the
% current directory, The return type of the dir function is a structure
% containing the file name, last modified date, no of bytes in file and
% flag indicating that the name is a directory or a file
DirectoryFileList = dir(DirName);
% type casting the file names retrevied in a structure to simple array
% of strings
FileNames = char(;
% The size function returns the row and columns of the input matrix,
% array or vector
[rowFN, colFN] = size(FileNames);
% checks of the size of row is less than or equal to 2 that indicates
% that the folder for which dir is used is empty thus nothing should be
% displayed, Valid file names start from 3rd index
if(rowFN <= 2)
FileNames = [];
FileNames = [FileNames(3:end, :)];
set(HList, 'string', FileNames);
% Display error if the 1st value of the file name is not a valid
% character
msgbox('Please Enter a Valid File Name');
*******************************MFCC BASED CODEBOOK**********************
function codebook = MFCC_BasedCodebook(Speech, Fs);
% The function takes the Speech sample and the sampling frequency as input
% and generated the codebook after vector quantization of the mfcc output
% train_dir : string name of directory contains all train sound files
% n : number of train files in traindir
% codebook : trained VQ codebooks, code{i} for i-th speaker
% The number of centeriods
CentN = 16;
% The mfcc algorithm
MFCC_Signal = mfcc(Speech, Fs);
% vector quatization for database
codebook = vector_quant(MFCC_Signal, CentN);
**********************MODIFIED MFCC BASED CODEBOOK********************
function codebook = MFCC_BasedCodebook(Speech, Fs);
% The function takes the Speech sample and the sampling frequency as input
% and generated the codebook after vector quantization of the modified mfcc output
% train_dir : string name of directory contains all train sound files
% n : number of train files in traindir
% codebook : trained VQ codebooks, code{i} for i-th speaker
% The number of centeriods
CentN = 16;
% The MODIFIED mfcc algorithm
MFCC_Signal = modimfcc(Speech, Fs);
% vector quatization for database
codebook = vector_quant(MFCC_Signal, CentN);
function v= mfcc(s,fs)
% The function computed the mfcc output of the input signal s sampled at fs
% s: No of points
% fs: Sampling rate
N=256; % size of each frame
M=156; % overlap size
nof=40; % number of filters
len=80; % The number of times for loop is to be run
a(1:N,1:len)=0; % framing the signal with overlap
% initialization of the first chunk
for j=2:len
% extracts frames from the input speech vector
% change 1. kaiser window is used in stead of hamming window
% computes the kaiser window coefficients
h= kaiser(N, 5); % windowing
% applies the hamming window to each frame
for j=1:len;
b(:,j)= a(:,j).* h;
% computes the mel filter bank coeffs
m=melfilterbank(nof,N,fs); % normailising to mel freq
% The computation of the cepstrum coefficients
for j=1:len
y(:,j)=fft(b(:,j)); % calculating fft
n2 = 1 + floor(N/2); % adjust the dimensions of the vector y for mel filter banks
% The absolute of the fft is considered instead of computing the square
% of the fft
ms = m * abs(y(1:n2,j)); % applies the mel filter bank
v(:,j)=dct(log(ms)); % converting back to time domain
function m = melfilterbank(p, n, fs)
% The function computed the mel filter banks for robust speaker recognition
% The filter spectrum is such that the passband area remains the same yet
% the pasband frequencies decrease and the power increases, to emphasis the
% higher frequency components
% p number of filters in filterbank
% n length of fft
% fs sample rate in Hz
f0 = 700/fs;
fn2 = floor(n/2);
lr = log(1 + 0.5/f0) / (p+1);
% convert to fft bin numbers with 0 for DC term
bl = n * (f0 * (exp([0 1 p p+1] * lr) - 1));
b1 = floor(bl(1)) + 1;
b2 = ceil(bl(2));
b3 = floor(bl(3));
b4 = min(fn2, ceil(bl(4))) - 1;
pf = log(1 + (b1:b4)/n/f0) / lr;
fp = floor(pf);
pm = pf - fp;
r = [fp(b2:b4) 1+fp(1:b3)];
c = [b2:b4 1:b3] + 1;
v = 2 * [1-pm(b2:b4) pm(1:b3)];
m = sparse(r, c, v, p, 1+fn2);
*********************************VECTOR QUANTISATION*********************
function b = vector_quant(v,no_centroids)
% v: speech vectors ,mel scaled.
% no_codebook: no.of centroids reqd. Here k=16.
% b: Codebook generated
%warning off MATLAB:divideByZero
no_update=5 ; %no of updates
c=mean(v,2) ; % finding initial codebook
e = 0.01 ; % splitting parameter
c(:,1)=c(:,1) + c(:,1)*e ; % splitting the codebook into 2.
c(:,2)=c(:,1) - c(:,1)*e;
for up1=1:no_update;
d=euclid_dist(v,c); % calculating the euclidean distance.
[m,id]=min(d,[],2); % finding the minimum distance.
for j=1:cols;
c(:,j)=mean(v(:,find(id==j)),2); % finding the centroid of the new cluster.
end %update end
while cols < style="mso-spacerun:yes"> ; % updating the code book to get the reqd. no.
for i = 1:cols ; % of code vectors.
c(:,i)=c(:,i) + c(:,i)*e;
c(:,i+n)=c(:,i) - c(:,i)*e;
for up2=no_update %update2
d=euclid_dist(v,c); % calculating the euclidean distance
[m,i]=min(d,[],2); % finding the minimum distance
[rows,cols] = size(c);
for j=1:cols;
c(:,j)=mean(v(:,find(i==j)),2); % finding the centroid of the new cluster
end %end update2
****************************** EUCLID DISTANCE*****************************
function d = euclid_dist(x,y)
% x, y: Two matrices whose each column is an a vector data.
% d: Element d(i,j) will be the Euclidean distance between two
% column vectors X(:,i) and Y(:,j)
% The Euclidean distance D between two vectors X and Y is:
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
% The dimentions of the matrix x is returned in M,N
[M, N] = size(x);
% The dimensions of the matrix y is returned in M2 and P
[M2, P] = size(y);
d = zeros(N, P);
% Checks if the siz miss matched
if (N <>
copies = zeros(1,P);
% Implements the formula for computing euclidean distanc
for n = 1:N
d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1);
copies = zeros(1,N);
% Implements the formula for computing euclidean distanc
for p = 1:P
d(:,p) = sum((x - y(:, p+copies)) .^2, 1)';
% the final step of computing the eulid distance Z = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)
d = d.^0.5;
*********************CALCULATING FILTER COEFFICIENTS*********************
function [meanCoeffs, cepLP] = calcFilterCoeffs(speech)
% The function calculates the Linear Predictive filter coefficients of the
% speech input and then computes cepstral derivatives from the computed
% coefficients.
% The size of the frame, the speech would be broken into small frames and
% then LP filter coeffs would be computed for each of the frame, the
% cepltral derivative of the mean of the computed LP coeffs would be
% calculated to save computational cost
chunkSize = 256;
% The total number of chunks to be processed
totalChunks = 35;
% The filter coeffient array initialization
filtCoeffs = [];
for index = 1:totalChunks
% The chunkData is the nth frame depending on the for loop index
chunkData = speech((index-1)*chunkSize + 1: index*chunkSize );
% computed the correlation of the frame and then flips it in order to
% get the r(0) at the beging
corrChunkData = flipud(filter(chunkData, 1, flipud(chunkData)));
% computed the Autocorrelation matrix
corrMatrixChunk = toeplitz(corrChunkData(1:end-1));
% comuted the LP filter coefficents
filtCoeffs(:, index) = inv(corrMatrixChunk)*corrChunkData(2:end);
% computed the mean of the coefficients
meanCoeffs = mean(filtCoeffs, 2);
% The initialization of the variable to keep the cepstral coefficients
cepLP = zeros(chunkSize-1, 1);
for index = 1:chunkSize-1
% The algorithm to compute the cepstral coefficient
cepLP(index) = meanCoeffs(index) + (((1:index-1)/index).*(cepLP(1:index-1))')*meanCoeffs(index-1:-1:1);
****************************REMOVE FROM SYSTEM**************************
% The current script removes the file from the database
% Retreive the database file names
% The get command is used to get the current property values from an
% object, the values then can be changed using the set command
FileName = get(HList, 'string');
% Get the current selected file index
DeleteIndex = get(HList, 'value');
% Get the current size of the Database, The filename is a string array that
% has the file names of the files is the current database, The size command
% returns the Columns and the Rows of the array of strings returned by get
% command
[indexR, indexC] = size(FileName);
% Remove the index to be deleted using the find command, the find command
% returns the indexes of the values that satisify the logic in the argument
Index = find(1:indexR ~= DeleteIndex);
% delete the files from the database and update the database view in
% the GUI as well
eval(['delete test\' FileName(DeleteIndex, :)]);
eval(['delete moditest\' FileName(DeleteIndex, :)]);
FileName = [FileName(Index, :)];
set(HList, 'string', FileName);
msgbox('Error! Cannot remove from an empty database');
***************************RECOGNIZE SYSTEM1******************************
% The script converts the current speech file to Vector and compares it
% with the files in the database based on the system choosen.
No_pts=12948; % No of points to be recorded
Fs=22050; %sampling rate
hfig4= figure('Name','Speaker Recognition System ',...
'Position',[pos(3)/2-main_width/2 pos(4)/2-main_height/2-5 main_width main_height+20],...
Hbutton1=uicontrol(hfig4, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+60 button_width button_height], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Record File...');%ows function to record a speech from mic
Speech = wavrecord(No_pts, Fs);
Hbutton2=uicontrol(hfig4, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_left-50 title_bottom+30 button_width button_height], ...
'BackgroundColor',Button_Color ,...
'string', 'Exit',...
% Retrieve the filenames from the database
FileNames = dir('test');
FileNames = char(;
[rowFN, colFN] = size(FileNames);
% checks if the database is empty then error message is displayed
if(rowFN <= 2)
FileNames = [];
msgbox('No file in database to compare with');
FileNames = [FileNames(3:end, :)];
% calclulation of the time taken for the algorithm
MFCC_Time = cputime;
v = mfcc(Speech, Fs); % Compute MFCC's
% initialization of the minimum distance
distmin = 100;%inf;
% initialization of the index variable
k1 = 0;
for index = 1:rowFN-2
% load the files from the database
eval(['load test\' FileNames(index, :) ';']);
% compute the distance of the currently recorded speech with all
% the files in the database
d = euclid_dist(v, codebook);
% finds the minimum of the distances
dist =sum( min(d,[],2)) / size(d,1);
% checks the minimum distance and marks the index
if dist <>
distmin = dist;
k1 = index;
ClosestMatch = codebook;
% calclulation of the time taken for the algorithm
MFCC_Time = cputime - MFCC_Time;
plot(v(:, 1), v(:, 2), 'b.'); hold on;
plot(ClosestMatch(:, 1), ClosestMatch(:, 2), 'r+'); grid on;
axis([-16 16 -16 16]);
legend('Caculated Codebook', 'Stored Codebook');
title('The match of the Calculated and the best match stored codebook (MFCC)')
% Retrieve the filenames from the database
FileNames = dir('modiTest');
FileNames = char(;
[rowFN, colFN] = size(FileNames);
if(rowFN <= 2)
FileNames = [];
FileNames = [FileNames(3:end, :)];
% calclulation of the time taken for the algorithm
modiMFCC_Time = cputime;
if(FlagModi == 1)
% calculation of the ceptral filter coeffs
testcode = calcFilterCoeffs(Speech);
% the error variance threshold
minErrorVar = 0.01;
minVal = minErrorVar;
v = modimfcc(Speech, Fs);
minErrorVar = 100;%inf
minVal = 2.0;%30,%12;
indicator = 0;
% Modified MFCC computation
for index = 1:rowFN-2
% load the files from the database
eval(['load moditest\' FileNames(index, :) ';']);
if(FlagModi == 1)
% calculation of teh variace
ErrorVar = var(modicodebook - testcode);
% The euclid distance of the current speech with the data in
% the database
d = euclid_dist(v, modicodebook);
ErrorVar =sum( min(d,[],2)) / size(d,1);
% marks the index of the recognized file
if(ErrorVar <>
minErrorVar = ErrorVar;
indicator = index;
ClosestMatch = codebook;
% The computation of the algorithm cpu time
modiMFCC_Time = cputime - modiMFCC_Time;
displayResult; % the result display script
plot(v(:, 1), v(:, 2), 'b.'); hold on;
plot(ClosestMatch(:, 1), ClosestMatch(:, 2), 'r+'); grid on;
axis([-16 16 -16 16]);
legend('Caculated Codebook', 'Stored Codebook');
title('The match of the Calculated and the best match stored codebook (Modified MFCC)')
**************************SUMMARY OF GENERATION*************************
% The script to generate the summary of the current session
% loads the result
load result;
% checks if the result is empty that means no experiment has been done yet
% plots the CPU time
% the subplot command splits the figure into smaller plots so that more
% than one plot can be created in a figure
figure, subplot(211);
% The bar displayes the bar graph
bar([MFCC_Time modiMFCC_Time]);
title('CPU time taken by the two processes');
ylabel('CPU Time');
xlabel('MFCC based algo modified MFCC based algo');
% plots the %age accuracy of both the systems
bar(100*[sum(MFCC_Result) sum(modiMFCC_Result)]/length(modiMFCC_Result));
title('Accuracy %age of the two systems');
ylabel('% age accuracy');
xlabel('MFCC based algo modified MFCC based algo');
msgbox('No experiment done for this session');
*****************************DISPLAYS RESULT*******************************
% The script displays the result of the current session with the check
% boxes to mark whether the results are correct or not for analysis
% purposes
% retreives the current file names in directory 'test'
dirInfo = dir('test');
% converts the directory names to string array
dirName = char(;
% Checks if the euclidian distance is less than the threhsold only then the
% result would be displayed
if distmin <>
msg=sprintf(['Speaker best matches with file ' dirName(k1+2, :)]);
msg=sprintf('Match Not name found');
% Checks if the value is less than the threshold only then the result
% would be displayed
if minErrorVar <>
msg2=sprintf(['Speaker best matches with file ' dirName(indicator+2, :)]);
msg2=sprintf('Match Not name found');
% GUI Info
% get screen size
pos = get(0,'ScreenSize');
% colors
Bg_Color = [0.7 0.7 0.8];
Bg_Color1 = [0.8 0.8 0.8];
Frame_Color2 = [0.9 0.8 0.8];
Frame_Color = [0.8 0.8 0.9];
Button_Color1 = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
Bg_Color4 = [1 0.40 0.5];
% main buttons size
button_width = 150;
button_height = 40;
main_width = 1004;
main_height = 688;
main_width = 804;
main_height = 488;
button_left = ((main_width-10)-button_width)/2;
% title position
title_width = 660;
title_left = (main_width-title_width)/2;
%title_bottom = y_top_frame1+2*border;
title_bottom = 200;
title_height = 50;
% main window
hfigD = figure('Name','Speaker Recognition System ',...
'Position',[pos(3)/2-main_width/2 pos(4)/2-main_height/2-5 main_width main_height+20],...
% The exit button
button2=uicontrol(hfigD, ...
'style','push', ...
'position',[button_left title_bottom-100 button_width button_height], ...
'string', 'EXIT',...
% Displays the message
Title1 = uicontrol(hfigD,...
'position',[title_left+50 title_bottom+150 title_width-200 title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',[msg,': using the MFCC algorithm']);
% The check box
text1 = uicontrol(hfigD,...
'position',[title_left+50 title_bottom+100 title_width-200 title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Check the check box if the result is not correct']);
% The message for 2nd algo
Title2 = uicontrol(hfigD,...
'position',[title_left+50 title_bottom title_width-200 title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',[msg2,': using the modified MFCC algorithm']);
% the check box for 2nd algo
text2 = uicontrol(hfigD,...
'position',[title_left+50 title_bottom-50 title_width-200 title_height],... % [from_left from_bottom width height]
'string',['Check the check box if the result is not correct']);
*********************************CLOSE DISPLAY****************************
% The script file to close the result display function
% load the previous result of the current session
load result;
% get the value of the check box 1 and invert it and store in variable
MFCC_Result = [MFCC_Result ~get(text1, 'value')];
% get the value of the check box 2 and invert it and store in variable
modiMFCC_Result = [modiMFCC_Result ~get(text2, 'value')];
% save the result back with modified variables
save result MFCC_Result modiMFCC_Result;
% close the figure that displays the result
please please tell me how this code runs???????
and please explain very clearly :)
i am waiting for your reply at
Dear mehreen,
This is bharadwaj, owner of this blog, i forwarded all the documents and matlab files to your mail.. plz check it up,,, hope useful for you.
Thanks for visiting,
this code is not working properly,there are some errors.please help me.
email me at
waiting for your reply.
Dear friend,
Thanks for your comment, i mail u but it is failed, u have to Please check the plugins..otherwise it will not work.
so you can email me at
sir where can i get code for modimfcc
Dear bharadwaj,
Please, can you send this code to me at
Thank you so much!
Dear Bhardwaj Sir,
Please send the code to me its urgent......
sir, where i can get code for face recognition using ensemble string matching
please mail me at
sir please send me the complete code at
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