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Programming in LabVIEW MathScript-For Loops

The For Loop

The for loop is one way to make LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT repeat a series of computations using different values. The for loop has the following syntax:
 for d = array     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT command 1     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT command 2     % and so on end 
In the for loop, array can be any vector or array of values. The for loop works like this: d is set to the first value in array, and the sequence of LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands in the body of the for loop is executed with this value of d. Then d is set to the second value in array, and the sequence of LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands in the body of the for loop is executed with this value of d. This process continues through all of the values in array. So a for loop that performs computations for values of d from 1.0 to 2.0 is:
 for d = 1.0:0.05:2.0     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT command 1     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT command 2     % and so on end 
(Recall that 1.0:0.05:2.0 creates a vector of values from 1.0 to 2.0.)
Note that in all of the examples in this module, the LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands inside the for loop are indented relative to the for and end statements. This is not required by LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT but is common practice and makes the code much more readable.
A useful type of for loop is one that steps a counter variable from 1 to some upper value:
 for j = 1:10     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands end 
For example, this type of loop can be used to compute a sequence of values that are stored in the elements of a vector. An example of this type of loop is
 % Store the results of this loop computation in the vector v for j = 1:10     % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands     % More LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands to compute a complicated result     v(j) = result; end 
Using a for loop to access and manipulate elements of a vector (as in this example) may be the most natural approach, particularly when one has previous experience with other programming languages such as C or Java. However, many problems can be solved without for loops by using LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT's built-in vector capabilities. Using these capabilities almost always improves computational speed and reduces the size of the program. Some would also claim that it is more elegant.
For loops can also contain other for loops. For example, the following code performs the LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT commands for each combination of d and c:
 for d=1:0.05:2     for c=5:0.1:6         % LABVIEW MATHSCRIPT Commands     end end


Unknown said...

I want to comment out pieces of my code in LabVIEW like I can in other programming languages,
such as C. This way I can try different tests to improve my program without deleting my existing code.

labview programming

Unknown said...

We've done a lot of pieces to tie HTML and LabVIEW together through web services and web sockets,
but obviously there is no seamless component integration and handling popups and thin client applications in parallel with labview has been a royal pain.

labview programming

Unknown said...

Let me clarify my point on LabVIEW and touch ready...
I mean that the concept of direct manipulation in LabVIEW,
of picking blocks and placing them and then wiring them together is more amenable to "touch-based development" than using a touch-based text editor to write code.
I am optimistic, that for many use cases, developing code on a pure touch interface with LabVIEW will be preferable to mouse and keyboard

labview programming

Unknown said...

LabVIEW software is ideal for any measurement or control system, and the heart of the NI design platform.
Integrating all the tools that engineers and scientists need to build a wide range of applications in dramatically less time,
LabVIEW is a development environment for problem solving, accelerated productivity, and continual innovation

labview programming

Unknown said...

LabVIEW is a graphical programming platform that helps engineers scale from design to test and from small to large systems.
It offers unprecedented integration with existing legacy software, IP,
and hardware while capitalizing on the latest computing technologies.
LabVIEW provides tools to solve today’s problems—and the capacity for future innovation.

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