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Matlab Program for Generating Prime Length FFT Programs

  function [u,ip,op,ADDS,MULTS] = ff(p,e); % [u,ip,op,ADDS,MULTS] = ff(p,e); % u  : multiplicative constants % ip : input permutation % op : output permutation  K = length(p); N = prod(p.^e); P = N + 1; [pr, ipr] = primitive_root(P); Red_Adds = 2 * N * (K - sum(1./(p.^e)) ); ADDS = 2 * Red_Adds;  FS = sprintf('fft%d.m',P); fid = fopen(FS,'w');  fprintf(fid,'function y = fft%d(x,u,ip,op)\n',P); fprintf(fid,'%% y = fft%d(x,u,ip,op)\n',P); fprintf(fid,'%% y  : the %d point DFT of x \n',P); fprintf(fid,'%% u  : a vector of precomputed multiplicative constants\n'); fprintf(fid,'%% ip : input permutation\n'); fprintf(fid,'%% op : ouput permutation\n');  Pstr = sprintf('[%d',p(1)); for k = 2:K, Pstr = [Pstr, sprintf(',%d',p(k))]; end Pstr = [Pstr,']']; Estr = sprintf('[%d',e(1)); for k = 2:K, Estr = [Estr, sprintf(',%d',e(k))]; end Estr = [Estr,']']; PEstr = sprintf('[%d',p(1)^e(1)); for k = 2:K, PEstr = [PEstr, sprintf(',%d',p(k)^e(k))]; end PEstr = [PEstr,']'];  fprintf(fid,'\n'); S = sprintf('y = zeros(%d,1);\n',P); fprintf(fid,S); S1 = sprintf('x = x(ip);'); S2 = sprintf('%% input permutation\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2); S1 = sprintf(['x(2:%d) = KRED(',Pstr,',',Estr,',%d,x(2:%d));'],P,K,P); S2 = sprintf('%% reduction operations\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2);  e_table = [0:e(1)]'; a = e(1)+1; for i = 2:K    e_table = [kron(ones(e(i)+1,1),e_table), kron([0:e(i)]',ones(a,1))];    a = a * (e(i)+1); end R = prod(e+1);   % ------------------------ MULTIPLICATIVE CONSTANTS ------------------------ k = rp(P,ipr,0:N); I = sqrt(-1); W = exp(-I*2*pi*k/P); h = W(2:P); h = h(N:-1:1); h = pfp(p.^e,K,h); h = itKRED(p,e,K,h); u = h(1);  S1 = sprintf('y(1) = x(1)+x(2);'); S2 = sprintf('%% DC term calculation\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2);  DC_ADDS = 2; ADDS = ADDS + DC_ADDS;  SLINE = '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; SB = ' block : 1 '; SC = SLINE; BL = 21; SC(BL:BL-1+length(SB)) = SB; fprintf(fid,'%% %s\n',SC); S1 = sprintf('y(2) = x(2)*u(1);'); fprintf(fid,'%-40s\n',S1); a = 1; MULTS = 1; for i = 2:R    v = e_table(i,:);    f = find(v>0);    q = p(f);    t = v(f);    L = prod(q-1)*prod(q.^(t-1));     B = prod(q.^t);    bs = sprintf('%d',q(1)^t(1));    for k = 2:length(q), bs = [bs, sprintf(' * %d',q(k)^t(k))]; end    if length(q) > 1  SB = sprintf(' block : %d = %s ',B,bs);  SC = SLINE;  SC(BL:BL-1+length(SB)) = SB;  fprintf(fid,'%% %s\n',SC);    else  SB = sprintf(' block : %d ',B);         SC = SLINE;         SC(BL:BL-1+length(SB)) = SB;         fprintf(fid,'%% %s\n',SC);    end    if prod(q.^t) == 2       S1 = sprintf('y(%d) = x(%d)*u(%d);',a+2,a+2,MULTS+1);       fprintf(fid,'%-40s\n',S1);       Mk = 1;    else       d = []; r = []; c = []; Q = []; Qt = [];       for j = 1:length(q)          [dk,rk,ck,Qk,Qtk] = A_data(q(j)^t(j));          if dk > 1             d = [d dk]; r = [r rk]; c = [c ck]; Q = [Q Qk]; Qt = [Qt Qtk];          end       end       [g,C1] = cgc(Q,r,c,length(Q));       ADDS = ADDS + C1;       Mk = prod(r);       BEG = int2str(a+2); FIN = int2str(a+1+L);       XX = ['x(',BEG,':',FIN,')']; YY = 'v';       kpi(d,g,r,c,length(Q),YY,XX,fid);       S1 = ['v = v.*u(',int2str(MULTS+1),':',int2str(MULTS+Mk),');'];       fprintf(fid,'%-40s\n',S1);       [g,C2] = cgc(Qt,c,r,length(Q));       ADDS = ADDS + C2;       XX = 'v'; YY = ['y(',BEG,':',FIN,')'];       kpit(d,g,c,r,length(Q),YY,XX,fid);    end     c = [];    r = [];    lq = length(q);    for j = 1:lq       [fk,rk,ck] = C_data(q(j),t(j));       r = [r rk]; c = [c ck];    end    f = (q-1).*(q.^(t-1));    temp = Kcrot(q,t,lq,h(a+1:a+L));    temp = KFt(f,r,c,temp);    u = [u; temp(:)];    a = a + L;    MULTS = MULTS + Mk; end  u(1) = u(1)-1; fprintf(fid,'%% %s\n',SLINE); S1 = sprintf('y(2) = y(1)+y(2);'); S2 = sprintf('%% DC term calculation\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2); S1 = sprintf(['y(2:%d) = tKRED(',Pstr,',',Estr,',%d,y(2:%d));'],P,K,P); S2 = sprintf('%% transpose reduction operations\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2); S1 = sprintf('y = y(op);'); S2 = sprintf('%% output permutation\n'); fprintf(fid,'%-50s%s',S1,S2); fprintf(fid,'\n');  MULTS = 2 * MULTS; ADDS = 2* ADDS; fprintf(fid,'%% For complex data - \n'); fprintf(fid,'%% Total Number of Real Multiplications : %d\n',MULTS); fprintf(fid,'%% Total Number of Real Additions: %d\n\n',ADDS); fclose(fid);  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPUTE INPUT AND OUTPUT PERMUTATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  id = 1:P;   % identity permutation ip = rp(P,pr,id); ip(2:P) = pfp(p.^e,K,ip(2:P));  op = id; op(2:P) = pfpt(p.^e,K,op(2:P)); op(2:P) = op(P:-1:2); op = rpt(P,ipr,op);  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PUT MULTIPLICATIVE CONSTANTS AND PERMUTATIONS IN A FILE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%  CFS = sprintf('cap%d.m',P); fid = fopen(CFS,'w'); fprintf(fid,'\n%% The multiplicative constants for the %d point FFT\n\n',P); fprintf(fid,'I = sqrt(-1);\n'); fprintf(fid,'u = [\n'); for k = 1:MULTS/2    if abs(real(u(k))) < ip =" [\n');" k =" 1:P" op =" [\n');" k =" 1:P">
The following programs print the program statements that carry out the operation IDkI and IDktI. They are modeled after kpi in the text.
function kpi(d,g,r,c,n,Y,X,fid) % kpi(d,g,r,c,n,Y,X,fid); % Kronecker Product : A(d(1)) kron ... kron A(d(n)) % g : permutation of 1,...,n  % r : [r(1),...,r(n)] % c : [c(1),..,c(n)] % r(i) : rows of A(d(i)) % c(i) : columns of A(d(i)) % n : number of terms for i = 1:n    a = 1;    for k = 1:(g(i)-1)       if i > find(g==k)           a = a * r(k);       else          a = a * c(k);       end    end    b = 1;    for k = (g(i)+1):n       if i > find(g==k)          b = b * r(k);       else          b = b * c(k);       end    end    % Y = (I(a) kron A(d(g(i))) kron I(b)) * X;    if i == 1       S1 = sprintf([Y,' = ID%dI(%d,%d,',X,');    '],d(g(i)),a,b);       S2 = sprintf(['%% ',Y,' = (I(%d) kron D%d kron I(%d)) * ',X],a,d(g(i)),b);       fprintf(fid,'%-35s%s\n',S1,S2);    elseif d(g(i)) ~= 1       S1 = sprintf([Y,' = ID%dI(%d,%d,',Y,');    '],d(g(i)),a,b);       S2 = sprintf(['%% ',Y,' = (I(%d) kron D%d kron I(%d)) * ',Y],a,d(g(i)),b);       fprintf(fid,'%-35s%s\n',S1,S2);    end end 
function kpit(d,g,r,c,n,Y,X,fid) % kpit(g,r,c,n,Y,X,fid); % (transpose) % Kronecker Product : A(d(1))' kron ... kron A(d(n))' % g : permutation of 1,...,n  % r : [r(1),...,r(n)] % c : [c(1),..,c(n)] % r(i) : rows of A(d(i))' % c(i) : columns of A(d(i))' % n : number of terms  for i = 1:n    a = 1;    for k = 1:(g(i)-1)       if i > find(g==k)          a = a * r(k);       else          a = a * c(k);       end    end    b = 1;    for k = (g(i)+1):n       if i > find(g==k)          b = b * r(k);       else          b = b * c(k);       end    end    % x = (I(a) kron A(d(g(i)))'' kron I(b)) * x;    if i == n       S1 = sprintf([Y,' = ID%dtI(%d,%d,',X,');    '],d(g(i)),a,b);       S2 = sprintf(['%% ',Y,' = (I(%d) kron D%d'' kron I(%d)) * ',X],a,d(g(i)),b);       fprintf(fid,'%-35s%s\n',S1,S2);    elseif d(g(i)) ~= 1       S1 = sprintf([X,' = ID%dtI(%d,%d,',X,');    '],d(g(i)),a,b);       S2 = sprintf(['%% ',X,' = (I(%d) kron D%d'' kron I(%d)) * ',X],a,d(g(i)),b);       fprintf(fid,'%-35s%s\n',S1,S2);    end end 

Programs for Computing Multiplicative Constants

The following programs carry out the operation of Fd1FdK where F is the reconstruction matrix in a linear convolution algorithm. See the appendix, `Bilinear Forms for Linear Convolution.'
function u = KFt(f,r,c,u) % u = (F^t kron ... kron F^t)*u % (transpose) % f = [f(1),...,f(K)] % r : r(i) = rows of F(i) % c : c(i) = columns of F(i) % u : length(u) = prod(c); K = length(f); for i = 1:K    m = prod(c(1:i-1));    n = prod(r(i+1:K));    u = IFtI(f(i),r(i),c(i),m,n,u); end 
function y = IFtI(s,r,c,m,n,x); % y = (I(m) kron F(s)^t kron I(n))*x % (transpose) % r : rows of F(s) % c : columns of F(s) v = 0:n:n*(c-1); u = 0:n:n*(r-1); for i = 0:m-1    for j = 0:n-1       y(v+i*c*n+j+1) = Ftop(s,x(u+i*r*n+j+1));    end end 
function y = Ftop(k,x) if k == 1, y = x; elseif k == 2, y = F2t(x); elseif k == 3, y = F3t(x); elseif k == 4, y = F4t(x); elseif k == 6, y = F6t(x); elseif k == 8, y = F8t(x); elseif k == 18, y = F18t(x); end 
The following programs carry out the operation of Gp1e1GpKeK were G is given by Equation 13 and Equation 14 from Bilinear Forms for Circular Convolution.
function x = Kcrot(p,e,K,x) % Kronecker product of Cyclotomic Reduction Operations. % x = (G(p(1)^e(1)) kron ... kron G(p(K)^(K)))^t*x % (transpose) % p : p = [p(1),...,p(K)]; % e : e = [e(1),...,e(K)]; a = (p-1).*((p).^(e-1)); r = a;  % r(i) = number of rows of G(i) c = 2*a-1; % c(i) = number of columns of G(i) m = 1; n = prod(r); for i = 1:K    n = n / r(i);    x = IcrotI(p(i),e(i),m,n,x);    m = m * c(i); end 
function y = IcrotI(p,e,m,n,x) %  y = (eye(m) kron G(p^e)^t kron eye(n))*x %  (transpose) a = (p-1)*(p^(e-1)); c = a; r = 2*a-1; y = zeros(r*m*n,1); v = 0:n:(r-1)*n; u = 0:n:(c-1)*n; for i = 0:m-1    for j = 0:n-1       y(v+i*r*n+j+1) = crot(p,e,x(u+i*c*n+j+1));    end end 
function y = crot(p,e,x) % y = crot(p,x) % cyclotomic reduction matrix (transpose) % length(x) == 2*n-1 % length(y) == n % where n = (p-1)*(p^(e-1)) n = (p-1)*(p^(e-1)); y = zeros(2*n-1,1);  if p == 2   n = p^(e-1);   y(1:n) = x;   y(n+1:2*n-1) = -x(1:n-1); else   y(1:n) = x;   L = p^(e-1);   y(n+1:n+L) = -x(1:L);   a = L;   for k = 2:p-1      y(n+1:n+L) = y(n+1:n+L) - x(a+1:a+L);      a = a + L;   end   b = 2*n-1 - p*(p^(e-1));   y(p*L+1:p*L+b) = x(1:b); end 
The following programs tell the programs for code generation relevant information about the bilinear forms for cyclotomic convolution. Specifically, they indicates the linear convolution out of which these cyclotomic convolution are composed, and the dimensions of the corresponding matrices. See the appendix Bilinear Forms for Linear Convolution.
function [d,r,c,Q,Qt] = A_data(n) % A : A matrix in bilinear form for cyclotomic convolution % d : linear convolution modules used % r : rows % c : columns % Q : Q(i) = cost associated with D(d(i)) % Qt : Qt(i) = cost associated with D(d(i))' if n == 2, d = [1]; elseif n == 4, d = [2]; elseif n == 8, d = [2 2]; elseif n == 16, d = [2 2 2]; elseif n == 3, d = [2]; elseif n == 9, d = [2 3]; elseif n == 27, d = [2 3 3]; elseif n == 5, d = [2 2]; elseif n == 7, d = [2 3]; end r = []; c = []; Q = []; Qt = []; for k = 1:length(d)    [rk, ck, Qk, Qtk] = D_data(d(k));    r = [r rk]; c = [c ck]; Q = [Q Qk]; Qt = [Qt Qtk]; end 
function [r,c,Q,Qt] = D_data(d); % D : D matrix in bilinear form for linear convolution % r : rows % c : columns % Q : cost associated with D(d) % Qt : cost associated with D(d)' if d == 1, r = 1; c = 1; Q = 0; Qt = 0; elseif d == 2, r = 3; c = 2; Q = 1; Qt = 2; elseif d == 3, r = 5; c = 3; Q = 7; Qt = 9; end 
function [f,r,c] = C_data(p,e) % f : length of linear convolution % r : rows % c : columns f = prod((p-1).*(p.^(e-1))); % (Euler Totient Function) r = 2*f-1; c = F_data(f); 
function c = F_data(n) % c : columns of F matrix if n == 1, c = 1; elseif n == 2, c = 3; elseif n == 4, c = 9; elseif n == 8, c = 27; elseif n == 3, c = 5; elseif n == 6, c = 15; elseif n == 18, c = 75; end 

Programs for Inverse Transpose Reduction Operations

function x = itKRED(P,E,K,x) % x = itKRED(P,E,K,x); % (inverse transpose) % P : P = [P(1),...,P(K)]; % E : E = [E(K),...,E(K)]; for i = 1:K    a = prod(P(1:i-1).^E(1:i-1));    c = prod(P(i+1:K).^E(i+1:K));    p = P(i);    e = E(i);    for j = e-1:-1:0       x(1:a*c*(p^(j+1))) = itRED(p,a,c*(p^j),x(1:a*c*(p^(j+1))));    end end 
function y = itRED(p,a,c,x) % y = itRED(p,a,c,x); % (inverse transpose) y = zeros(a*c*p,1); for i = 0:c:(a-1)*c    for j = 0:c-1       A = x(i*p+j+1);       for k = 0:c:c*(p-2)          A = A + x(i*p+j+k+c+1);       end       y(i+j+1) = A;       for k = 0:c:c*(p-2)          y(i*(p-1)+j+k+a*c+1) = p*x(i*p+j+k+1) - A;       end    end end y = y/p; 

Programs for Permutations

The permutation of Equation 18 from Preliminaries is implemented by pfp . It calls the function pfp2I . The transpose is implemented by pfpt and it calls pfpt2I .
function x = pfp(n,K,x) % x = P(n(1),...,n(K)) * x % n = [n(1),...,n(K)]; % length(x) = prod(n(1),...,n(K)) a = prod(n); s = 1; for i = K:-1:2   a = a / n(i);   x = pfp2I(a,n(i),s,x);   s = s * n(i); end 
function y = pfp2I(a,b,s,x) % y = kron(P(a,b),I(s)) * x; % length(x) = a*b*s n = a * b; y = zeros(n*s,1); k1 = 0; k2 = 0; for k = 0:n-1   i1 = s * (k1 + b * k2);   i2 = s * k;   for i = 1:s     y(i1 + i) = x(i2 + i);   end   k1 = k1 + 1;   k2 = k2 + 1;   if k1 >= b     k1 = k1 - b;   end   if k2 >= a     k2 = k2 - a;   end end 
function x = pfpt(n,K,x) % x = P(n(1),...,n(K))' * x % (tanspose) % n = [n(1),...,n(K)]; % length(x) = prod(n(1),...,n(K)) % a = prod(n); a = n(1); s = prod(n(2:K)); for i = 2:K   s = s / n(i);   x = pfpt2I(a,n(i),s,x);   a = a * n(i); end 
function y = pfpt2I(a,b,s,x) % y = P(a,b)' kron I(s) * x; % (transpose) % length(x) = a*b*s n = a * b; y = zeros(n*s,1); k1 = 0; k2 = 0; for k = 0:n-1   i1 = s * (k1 + b * k2);   i2 = s * k;   for i = 1:s     y(i2 + i) = x(i1 + i);   end   k1 = k1 + 1;   k2 = k2 + 1;   if k1 >= b     k1 = k1 - b;   end   if k2 >= a     k2 = k2 - a;   end end 
The following Matlab programs implement Rader's permutation and its transpose. They require the primitive root to be passed to them as an argument.
function y = rp(p,r,x) % Rader's Permutation % p : prime % r : a primitive root of p % x : length(x) == p a = 1; y = zeros(p,1); y(1) = x(1); for k = 2:p    y(k) = x(a+1);    a = rem(a*r,p); end 
function y = rpt(p,r,x) % Rader's Permutation % (transpose) % p : prime % r : a primitive root of p % x : length(x) == p a = 1; y = zeros(p,1); y(1) = x(1); for k = 2:p    y(a+1) = x(k);    a = rem(a*r,p); end 
function [R, R_inv] = primitive_root(N)  %  function [R, R_inv] = primitive_root(N) %  Ivan Selesnick %  N is assumed to be prime.  This function returns R, %  the smallest primitive root of N, and R_inv, the  %  inverse of R modulo N.  R = 'Not Found'; m = 0:(N-2); for x = 1:(N-1)    if ( 1:(N-1) == sort(rem2(x,m,N)) )       R = x;       break    end end R_inv = 'Not Found'; for x = 1:N    if rem(x*R,N) == 1       R_inv = x;       break    end end


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