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Code for Voice Conversion

Praat and MATLAB Code Files for Voice Converstion

  • ursula.praat - The Praat code to convert windowed source files into the corresponding windowed filter files. (Named after the antagonist of "The Little Mermaid", who imitates voices.)
  • add_wav.m - Adds the sound data to the wav array.
  • convert_voice.m - Coverts the voice of the source to that of the filter.
  • example_plot.m - Plots example cepstrums.
  • get_mins.m - Obtains a rough list of minimums in a signal.
  • get_word_breaks.m - Gets the position of the spaces in the speech signal.
  • load_wav.m - Loads the specified wav file.
  • load_wavs.m - Loads all wavs in the current directory.
  • plot_cepstrum.m - Plots the cepstrum of the signal.
  • plot_contour.m - Plots the signal, its absolute value, and its contour.
  • save_chunks.m - Saves segments of the source and filter files.
  • save_words.m - Saves the words of the source and filter files.
  • sig_chunks.m - Breaks a signal into chunks.
  • split_sig.m - Splits the signal in half.
For more details, consult the comments in each code file.


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